Help us apply some leverage to the smackdown on CF.
The CF Smackdown will match 100% of any donations you make, up to a $1,000 match per donation.
Click "donate" (at right) to make your tax-deductible donation to bolster CF research. We use to help process payments, so no fees are deducted from your donation, and 100% is tax deductible.
Better yet, the CF Smackdown will match your donations 1 to 1 (100%), so 200% of your donation will pass through, up to $1000 per donation. For example, if you were to donate $1,000, the CF Smackdown would match your donation with another $1,000, so $2,000 would go to the CFF, courtesy of you and the CF Smackdown.
Will donations be dissolved in a pool of wasteful bureaucracy and silly administrative expenses?
Quite the contrary. First, we will match your donation 1:1 so that 200% of your contribution (up to $1000 match per donation) will go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) to be allocated to the effort.
Second, the CFF knows what it’s doing. It isn’t a charity who blows money on junk mail and Sally Struthers campaigns. They invest well, and their proverbial “search for a cure” actually just found one, in 2012, for a significant number of CF patients. The next round of treatments is in the pipeline.
Third, given the current rate of traction, your contribution will make an actual difference in the lives of children and adults who are battling CF right now.
In addition to the more publicized breakthroughs, the CF Smackdown is already part of another promising effort that is now underway. The collaboration involves scientists from Israel, Birmingham, and Bethesda, and results that could extend to a broader class of CF patients, and even beyond (to muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy, and more). We will be providing more information as the project unfolds.
Bottom line:
Researchers just landed a big ol’ haymaker that has knocked cystic fibrosis to its knees, for the first time in history. But while CF is down, it isn’t yet out.
So join the CF Smackdown today, and let’s all pile on together.
Even as you read this, some kids, and adults, are receiving their first dose of a medicine that will essentially neutralize their disease. Amidst a research revolution, you are witnessing the reign of CF coming to an end, and your contribution will help liberate tens of thousands from cystic fibrosis.
On behalf of every single one of those patients, their friends, and their families, thank you sincerely for your help.